Hi! I'm Laura

It's nice to meet you

About Me

What We Do And Why We Do It

About Me

Hey there!

I want to help you get your life back by putting systems in place to fill your classes and keep your customers there. 

Why me?  Well, I am the most organised, unorganised person you will meet in your life.  I love avocados and pizza (not together that’s weird!).  I'm married to John and we have a Romanian rescue dog named Percy who's my best friend.  I’ve been self-employed since I was 19, I also LOVE my work.   

At least I used to.....​

When you start, you start because you love 'the thing' (dance, crafting, fitness - whatever it is) then somewhere down the line you have to start doing the advertising and the tax return and dealing with the staff and blah blah blah.  You get stuck working in the weeds and every time you think you're on top of it BAM something else comes along that hogs your attention.  Before you know it it's the end of the working day and looking back you realise you've done nothing to move your business forward.  Not even a little bit. 

Trust me!  I have been there and it sucks.  Feeling like you're in a awful one-sided relationship with your business and all it does is take, take, take. 

​I don't ever want anyone to have to feel like I did. I've learnt a lot over the last 18 years of running my own business and the last 8 years of working with my Husband John.  You can keep struggling along on your own and getting deeper and deeper in the shit.  Or you can make a change today, you can make a promise to yourself even one small step, that TODAY will be the last day you ever feel this bad.

When your business is running well and your customers are happy they will automatically tell other people which more people in and more money!  ka-ching! That's exactly what we're aiming to do, crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers in order to fill classes and lessons without you working every hour of the day.

So, if you're ready to take your business to the next level, let's connect and make it happen!

Watch the Video Below To Discover the 3 things all business owners need...

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